Far too many of our brightest and best educators leave the educational community due to a variety of reasons. According to The Innovation and Policy Blog and its research, factors contributing most to high teacher turnover fall into three categories:
A. General purposes that range from retirement to life-changing events,
B. Professional goals include dissatisfaction with the profession as a whole, and low pay,
C. School-level reasons, here is where Amyra can be of significant service to support school leaders in significantly reducing reasons for teachers’ leaving:
Insufficient mentoring and coaching support
Challenging school culture and climate
Poor working conditions
Dissatisfaction with administration
No assistance with student discipline issues
Hostile relationships with colleagues
Fears about school safety
Sense of racial isolation
Lack of autonomy and influence
Emotional stress
Unrealistic expectations
Lack of resources
Unmanageable Class size
Lack of sufficient planning time
Curriculum demands
Working 10 to 15 workdays and weekends
Ineffective administrators
Too many frivolous meetings
High-stakes standardized testing
Teacher evaluation methods